I recently watched an interesting documentary on a newer school in New York called, Quest for Learning. All I have to say is I'm jealous. I have always had a hard time paying attention in school from a young age. I couldn't wait to get home and jump on my computer and create houses, cities, and empires or play different memory and board games on various CD-ROM games for PC I owned. These students at Quest for Learning do not sit in lectures with teachers drawing on chalk boards telling them to sit up straight or to pay attention. These kids each have their own computers and stay active all day long creating and designing digital art/media and then sharing them on social medias, as well as learning from lesson plans, which have been created by instructional design.
As a 5th year in college, I have had to use social media for classes. I have also used them by choice for group projects and presentations. I can't imagine having to attend college before these tools were invented. The funny thing is however, a lot of what I have learned thoughout my college career, which I had to know for my job, I taught to myself through the amazing world wide web. Because of social media and user generated content, I have been able to find almost any question I have whether it is about creating something using Adobe Photoshop or creating html for a Facebook page. Means of communications and technology will always change, keeping teaching up to date with what is necessary and practical is the real lesson societies need to keep in mind. Do not fear how technology will affect new generations, but embrace it and incorporate it to increase education and understanding.
Below is a short clip from CNN on the school, Quest for Learning: